Thursday, August 20, 2009

don't make me go viking on you

another glorious summer day with amazingly blue skies :) went for the guided tour the university organised as part of orientation and then returned to the cheap grocer's for oil and salt. i need to stop making a daily pilgrimage there! enjoyed the tour, learnt much about sweden and swedish history. the guide was all decked up in her national costume that she stitched by hand over two winters siting in her cab while waiting for passengers.

showed the girls boutique eden (thanks W and C!) and they too went on a bubble bath rampage. ate what remained of my crock pot breakfast for dinner, washed the pot then put in tomorrow's breakfast! it's complete rice grains from the asian grocer, carrot, onion and dried scallop :) and i can smell it already. yummers! i live for my hot breakfasts.

met the rest of the corridor in the kitchen tonight and it was nice getting to know everyone. two iranians, one legit indian, one indian squatter, both from near hyderabad, one swede, one prc, one french, one turk, me and six other unknown corridor-mates (12 to a corridor). we got a kitchen kitty going and the swede, K, who's been here for 3 (!!!) years was appointed the 'dor daddy. so he's the 'responsible one' in charge of stocking up on bin bags and dishwashing liquid. he also has the biggest biceps from his holiday job as a construction worker. talk about dual purpose!

and B, the squatter who taught me how to chop chicken last night, also very kindly shared his mate's wireless key! so byebye patchy wireless and helloooooo friendly neighbour :)

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