what better way to celebrate the first day back to school, than with a good ol' pub crawl with friends new and old? our first lecture was a brief (thankfully) but what tickled me even more than our professor's valiant attempt to pronounce the international mishmash of names accurately was her declaration that, henceforth, 9am classes would begin at 915 instead. i'm loving stocks already! post-lecture, we hung around campus and scored some free hotdogs! 2 x free hotdogs = lunch :) and it was great getting to know an eclectic mix of exchange students. the current friends nucleus is 1 x greek boy, 1 x greek girl, 1 x french girl, 2 x german boys, 3 x italian girls and 2 x italian boys. hope i didn't miss anyone out! so it's hardly a nucleus if you count the 11+ people involved. but as with exchange it's all wonderfully relaxed and hang if you wanna hang, needn't hang if you want time out. fun bunch! pleased as punch :)

the non-smoking german boys! yay to non-smoking friends who laugh at me and my little smoke dance.
and we stumbled upon the most enterprising swede (based in berlin but back in stockholm for the summer because he just bought a house here!) who, i'm guessing, is paying off his housing loan by selling freshly mixed mojitos to alcohol-hungry exchange students in-between pubs on their first pub crawl. so right there in front of us he got to work mixing and we* ended up with mojitos with bits of grass instead of mint leaves. ooops! but how awesome! mojitos in the middle of the campus lawn. from an unauthorised bar-tender. only in stocks!
*and ma, when i say 'we', i mean 'my friends'. i didn't risk my gastro-intestinal tract and liver, don't worry.
when we were at the law students' house (yes, we do have our personal bar, bragbrag) a group of sailor boys mounted the stairs and started serenading us acapella. they sure knew their stuff! amazing skill.
oh and apparently pub crawl is a weekly affair here! HAHA.
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