Sunday, October 11, 2009


me: will you bring me a soup spoon??? i'm eating my breakfast with a teaspoon. is hard.
him: no!
me: WHY???
him: because when i'm there, you're not going to cook. when i leave, you're going to holiday with your family. and then a few days after that, you'll either be in that cabin in transylvania or you'll be on your way home. and when you pack to come home, i guarantee you're going to curse and swear at all the junk you need to carry.
me: no i won't.
him: believe you me...
me: you're supposed to be indulgent!
him: i am! but i'm thinking of you!
me: why can't you be more like GOD.
him: because GOD has infinitely more wisdom than you and He knows you don't really want the spoon.
me: do too.

darn. and there i was thinking that God would be my trump.

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