Thursday, December 3, 2009

happy diamond

it's my gramps' 60th wedding anniversary today!

can you imagine being with the same person for 60 years??? and they were voluntarily monogamous! from what i understand, even though monogamous marriages weren't the law until 1965 (?), even though kong could have had more wives / concubines / slave girls, he didn't. which's such a respectable thing. that makes him special. and porpor's pretty special too. so i guess they both lucked out that way. but, really, it's even more of an achievement to be faithful and monogamous when opportunity to stray abounds - some people are only faithful because no one else gives them time of day. or they have no money to be unfaithful because affairs are expensive.

sixty happy years! it's not just the quantity but the quality of the marriage too. and i'm really glad that they instilled sound values in my uncle and mother, who went on to have their own functional families.

when i'm with my gramps, i see plenty of give and take, plenty of patience, and a desire to see the other person happy. as long as he's happy, she's happy and vice versa. they make it seem simple. they don't sweat the small things, she can burn his food, he can finish the ice cream without offering her any, and it's all good.

wish i could be there to celebrate it with them. porpor's none too pleased that i missed C's wedding this may and i'm not around for their diamond anniversary either. in protest, she's threatened to boycott my wedding. in retaliation, i said i wouldn't invite her. then she complained to my mother. telltale.

ahhhh i want to celebrate my diamond anniversary one day too! hurry up, you.