Friday, June 11, 2010

midnight churros

i hear that the churros bar is often the site of last-ditch attempts to hook-up after an unsuccessful night out. which's why i went at midnight, instead of 4am. there's something about eating at the witching hour that makes it more fun, even though there's nothing so surreptitious about staying out late. must be a throw-back to enid blyton's mallory towers and st. claires series, where midnight feasts were cause for celebration. like they say, forbidden fruit is always sweeter, especially when it's deep fried and drowned in gooey chocolatey goodness. ooh :)

btw, hola from madrid. have tons to post about barcelona and valencia. stay tuned!

ps bumped into high school friend at the hostel, and a bunch of college friends on the free walking tour. the world is too small and i've company again :)

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