hopped to HK for the weekend to pick up my bag. it somehow felt as close to the adoption process as i can currently imagine. no, not knocking adoption or belittling it by likening it to collecting a bag (people and possessions are two very different things). but to me, at this point, that's how it felt.
defensive disclaimer aside, i'd been romancing this bag for years and after finally mustering up enough courage to ask for one, it all happened so quickly. thank god for fairy god-aunties who know people who know people, how they conjured exactly what i wanted within a fortnight (especially after i walked into the store cold and was snootily told to return in four years) is beyond me. but i am ever grateful :)
as i was unwrapping my bag in the hotel, not knowing whether it was inner or outer stitch i.e. soft or hard, i imagined that's what having a child would be like. like you want a child, but you don't know if it's a boy or a girl. and you don't really mind as long as it's a child but at the back of your mind there's a preference. so, rather embarrassingly, i shrieked when i felt the firm outline. it was outer stitch and suddenly all was very right with the world.
of course, there was more to HK then picking up my bag, so more on the food tomorrow.
i spy business class. please to show peekture of bag.