Friday, September 3, 2010

dinner just because

today we celebrated that it was thursday by having a blow out dinner. revisited an old favourite that we hadn't been to in awhile and had two of everything :) was surprised that it was packed as we rolled in at 9. the proprietress, a lovely dainty lady, had to set up another table. that says something about our dining habits, really. dinner at 9 is just so mediterranean. anyhoos it was delicious and we somehow ended up eating till midnight. assuaged the guilt at being such gluttons by declaring with bravado that we will not eat tomorrow. but he has a lunch date and i'm lunching with my mama so those were decidedly famous last words. nothing like rustic charm and al fresco dining. it was a perfect night, with a heavy duty fan whirling in the corner. plus there were no mozzies or other off-putting creepy crawlies that tend to wriggle into outdoor dining. two thumbs up and next time we'll go earlier so as to do pre or post dinner drinks.



  1. hi jonathan, please drop me an email at :)

  2. i also want to know whereee


  3. don't believe in free publicity or name-dropping (well, most times.) but happy to recommend in a more personal setting!

    (C, you've got mail.)
