freo was a feeding frenzy if i ever had one. we went to the market early to run some errands and in the space of four short hours, had miraculously consumed a steak&kidney pie, a chicken d'aquilla crepe, an apple strudel crepe, fish&chips with extra fish at cicerello's, tomato chilli mussels at little creatures brewery and washed everything down with little creatures pipsqueak cider (me) and bright ale (him).
we stumbled on michelle's creperie and boy are we glad the aromatherapy lady recommended it! initially put off by the queue, we were all ready to pass it by when kate (whom i was tasked to buy A$130 of essential oil from...) told us that she'd eat their crepes breakfast lunch and dinner if she could. seeing how her store was right opposite michelle's, this wasn't a case of familiarity breeds contempt. so after hearing her heap glowing praise, we had to try the crepes. ordered a savoury crepe and hunkered down for the 20minute wait (yes, 20minutes for one crepe) but it was soooo good and well worth the wait that as we reached the tail end of the first crepe, we very greedily ordered second, rationalising that if we'd ordered it any earlier, it'd get cold. and then we proceeded to patiently wait another 20minutes for our second crepe. and by the time we finished that, we realised we'd been perched on the stools watching the little crepe elves churn out crepes for over an hour! time flies when you're having fun haha.

fresh from our crepe meal, we moved on to the water and squeezed into the last available table at cicerello's. it's not freo without a fish&chip meal :)
so cute! i felt compelled to create junk just so i could toss it into jaws.
met the crew at little creatures and there was such a buzz inside the microbrewery. good times!
need i add that this is one of the many reasons i adore A? i don't know anyone else who'd randomly hop into giant boots with a straight face.
bye simon!
(we're so bad with awkward farewells that we live in denial instead.)
and after the feasting, we had kebabs for dinner at peter's by the sea.
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