If you've got rock-hard avocados and can't wait to makehomemade guacamole, there's a few things you can do to make your avocados get soft quicker.
- Place 2-3 avocados in a brown paper bag and store at room temperature. If you don't have paper bags on hand, wrapping them in newspaper will also do.
- For even quicker ripening, add an apple or a tomato to the bag.
- Check daily to see if avocados are ripe yet. Don't just judge by their color, as some varieties will retain their green color, even when ripe, rather than turning a deep greenish brown.
- Ripe avocados will peel easily and are soft, yet still firm and not squishy.
- Extra Tip: If your avocados are ripening before you have a chance to eat them, place them in the crisper of your refrigerator, as this will help them keep a bit longer once they are ripe.
courtesy of this website
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i'm glad google is your guru. hur hur.