Tuesday, October 13, 2009


tokyo is, without a doubt, my absolute favourite, my home away from home. i Love tokyo. if i'd to live in any city (apart from singers - the true home) for the rest of my life, it'd be tokyo. so what if i'm stuck in an apartment the size of an elevator shaft? give me a tatami floor and mat, give me an endless supply of sashimi (preferably otoro, but i'm not picky) and i'm happy. incidentally, otoro is unavailable at nobu*london because it's apparently environmentally unsustainable. pffft! there's no substitute for otoro :( also incidentally, one of my dearest friends makes otoro an annual affair because he wants his children to enjoy it one day. i'm hardly as benevolent and say that if otoro runs out before i do my national service, too bad for the little suckers! maybe if i'm feeling nice, i'll describe the taste to them...

but back to cities.

stockholm is, well, home for now.

and i've a special place in my heart for leuven, naples and sao paolo, for reasons unsuited to a public blog (got you there, didn't i?)

yet london is a city that i've always liked and returned to. have visited annually for most of my childhood, and more recently, in winter '07 and summer' 08. i'm even more intrigued, by proxy, because he grew up there. just like his, uh, non-existent fascination with 6th avenue, where i grew up.

it's the first time i'm going to london alone though, having always gone with family or him, and it's the second time i'm staying in a hotel alone and i'm really looking forward to that king-sized bed just for me :)

(and maybe, just maybe, a teensy tiny bit scared of what's hiding in the closet.)

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