Tuesday, October 13, 2009

you know you're

edit: i posed the below question to him and his solution was to take me to london for a week when he comes to visit. i liiiiiiikeeeee :)

OCD, or nuts, maybe both, when you have all of two whole days in london but a hitlist of ten restaurants to eat at.

in no particular order, somebody please tell me how i'm going to stuff my fat face at
min jiang
mandarin kitchen
restaurant opposite mandarin kitchen that i recognise but can't remember the name of
four seasons
rasa sayang
hare and tortoise

thankfully, i'm meeting aunt J for lunch at min jiang and aunt S and family for dinner at a surprise place in soho. then there's my solo lunch at nobu which also means that i'm left with 1xdinner slot for the remaining eight restaurants. this won't do! in between the museums and walks along the thames, i'm going to have to do brunches and tunches to even half accomplish the list. it's almost ridiculous but i'm getting stressed that i won't be eating enough in london.

but seriously, when this
is your staple, this

begins to look pretty darned good.

p/s. bird photo credits to J from his
please to happy birthday in hong kong album.
p/p/s. yes, i know hong kong's not in london

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