Tuesday, October 13, 2009

london baby

just made a reservation with my fashion-forward, lusciously-locked cousin's stylist and it's all systems go! you won't believe how excited i am about getting a haircut. also, i'm a little racist when it comes to stylists and will only let an asian stylist handle my asian hair. just like how i'll only let japanese punks handle my camera (and maybe S, but he's special.) then again, afore-mentioned cousin, who, incidentally, has a new nose, is changmoh but the stylist's asian. so i'm even more psyched. in a perfect world, i'd go home so S can cut my hair but that would be extravagant in ways that flying to london for chinese food and an asian hairstylist isn't. oh, and just for T's info, it's at king's road and not chinatown (hurhur).

absolutely can't wait and just found out that my room comes with complimentary breakfast and english tea for two in the tearoom overlooking kensington gardens. oooh :)

(now to just find a friend to do tea with.)

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